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Personal Growth
Personal Story

How a Great Friend Taught a Lesson of Patience

I recently learned a very important lesson from a good friend of mine, Manny, who’s been going through some big transformations in his life. He just started a new job and came to some realizations about health, nutrition, money, and the importance of where we put our values. He was like, “Man, when it comes to food, nutrition, sugar, what they’re putting in the food, and GMOs—did you know they do this, this, and this?” And I said, “Manny, you know I’ve been talking to you about this stuff for like 8 years, right?” Because I started my business in 2009, so food and nutrition have been a focus for 8 years. And he said, “I know!” But it had just now hit him.

And I thought that was such a great life lesson—for me and for anyone else out there whose mission is to help people live a better life, whether that’s your business, career, job, or what you do on the side—you never know when it’s going to hit somebody, when information that you’ve been sharing and putting out into the world is actually going to resonate with another person. Because it might take 8 years.

It was such a great reminder to me to keep going, to keep doing what I’m doing, to keep building our business the way that we’re building it, to keep learning new skills because you never know when they might come into play. I listen to a podcast called Icon Athlete, a group of Crossfit Coaches in Park City, Utah, and they were talking about how long it takes to become an expert in that world, which was another great reminder that it really can take a while for people to change their perspective on the world. It was very informative to me and encouraged me to keep moving forward because people are listening, they will eventually be affected by your message, and we need more good being put out in the world because goodness does spread. My friend Manny was in a world that was very negative, and now he’s creating something more positive for himself in all areas of his life.

So keep consistent in your mission and promotion, keep on doing your thing – because you never know when your message might hit.

3 Ways To Stop Running Out Of Time

Do you ever feel like there’s not enough time?

I’m sure we’ve all felt like this on a weekly, if not daily, basis.  The familiar feeling of running out of time to complete all you had in mind for that day, along with a never-ending to-do list. We need to start realizing there will always be something that needs to get done, there will always be one more unchecked box.  We don’t have control over time but can control how we approach it.  The difference lies in our attitude towards this race against time. We need to start creating the space and the time for what and who is actually important to us.  In order to stop running out of time, we must learn to master it.

Below I’m sharing my 3 tricks for igniting this change:

  1. Change your relationship with time.  You can start doing this by immediately stopping the negative talk. Anything along the lines of “I don’t have enough time,” “I’m screwed,” “I’m swamped,” is no longer part of your vocabulary.  Stop programming the idea that there isn’t enough time in a day – this will only hinder you by increasing stress and overwhelm.
  2. Be intentional with your time.  Recognize which of the experiences throughout your day are truly important, the ones that give you the feeling of purpose and happiness.  Learn to fully enjoy the 5 minutes you have with your kid before she goes to school.  Slow down just enough to really be present in the moments that matter.
  3. Cut yourself some slack. We can’t do it all, it’s as simple as that.  Taking care of yourself and prioritizing your health and happiness is more important than the items on your to-do list.  You will receive no benefits from running yourself into the ground.  Give yourself a break, go with the flow and stop pushing yourself.

Check out the resources below if you’re wanting to hear more on this topic! What is your experience with time? Let me know in the comments!



Simple Strategies To Boost Motivation

How do you stay motivated when you’re not feeling it?

We all have off days where we just don’t have the motivation to get stuff done. Sometimes this is okay and we can take the day, other times (especially as an entrepreneur) we need to find a way out of this rut and back to work.

My strategies to refocus and boost my motivation consist of stepping away from work, stop trying to force it and taking a break.  My methods for these breaks are activities that change my mental state, get me pumped up and make me feel inspired. A few of my go-to’s are:

  • Getting outside
  • Working out
  • Changing locations
  • Watching motivational content from people such as GaryVee

All of these help to eliminate distraction, refresh my mind and refocus my energy. When I’m lacking motivation it’s important for me to weed out the unnecessary thoughts, step away from distractions such as social media and simplify the direction I want my renewed ambition to go.  

When I do go back to work I choose the top three objectives I need to get done and put all my focus on completing those. One resource that helped me to hone in on how to guide my focus is Deep Work by Cal Newport.  Check out Project Life’s Episode 060 all about the process of Deep Work and how it goes beyond the idea of focus into simplifying other aspects of your life.

In order to continuously function happily in our business and life, we need to constantly regenerate that motivation and excitement.  Realize the importance of recharging and prioritize your self care in order to take these necessary breaks.  Let’s be honest, when you force your work, you often don’t produce the best results because it’s not exactly coming naturally.

So next time you’re feeling stuck, try the following strategies:
  • Stop forcing yourself to work when you’re simply not feeling it
  • Cut yourself enough slack to take a break and walk away
  • Choose an activity or action that makes you feel pumped up, inspired and helps restore your internal balance
  • When you return to work, choose your top three tasks to place your focus

The activities or actions you choose will be different for everyone, what are some of yours?

How To Start Making Quick Decisions

Today I’d like to share my thoughts on the value behind making decisions quickly.  

This past month, Kate and I had to move out of our current home much sooner than expected. We were put in a situation where we needed to find a new home in a short period of time and do a complete move.  Within a few days we went into action, made those important decisions and found a new place to live.  We made the decision quickly with confidence, signed the lease and moved onto the next big thing.

[Hear more about our move and decision making process! Check out Episode 040: Quick Decisions on Project Life with Mike Watts]

To some people, this situation sounds stressful and something that would take them tons of time.  We don’t exactly think that way. What would have happened if we stressed, went back and forth multiple times, mulled over the details that each home had to offer?  The result probably wouldn’t have been that much different.

Here’s my quick how to guide on making quick decisions:

  1. Recognize that decision fatigue is a real thing and it will stop everyone in their tracks. If you don’t commit to making the decision quickly from the start, it will slow you down. 
  2. Be okay with the possibility that you might make the wrong decision.  Even with a poor decision comes the silver lining of personal growth and development. You grow when you make a decision, especially if you have to go back and fix it.  Spending your time dwelling on a single decision for days, weeks or months on end will keep you stuck in one place with no room to grow. 
  3. Have perspective.  Whatever your decision is regarding, always keep the bigger picture in mind. Life is not meant to be spent in a perpetual state of limbo, there are more important things to focus your energy on. 
  4. Look forward. Focus on what is ahead and take action! Action is what keeps us moving forward and it’s the only way we can evolve.

What is your process for making decisions? Let me know in the comments below!

The Habit of Personal Responsibility

Do you take responsibility for your actions?

With recent events including the actions of our current president, I feel like I’ve witnessed a whole lot of blame, non-accountability and generally, a lack of ownership.

Taking it down a notch and simply reflecting on our own lives – are you making sure you’re accountable for your thoughts, decisions and actions?  Do you hold yourself accountable or play the victim?  Sometimes it is easier to dodge this responsibility because it forces us to take a good, hard look at ourselves.  This self reflection and awareness based on our actions and reactions can make us uncomfortable.  

And I think that’s a good thing.

Taking personal responsibility for each action in your life, helps us to grow.  This personal growth and improvement within ourselves is invaluable and can only come from being uncomfortable and facing it head on. It helps us reach our full potential, shift old mindsets and ultimately, transform into the person we aim to be.  It helps us to re-set the old stories and limiting beliefs we had against ourselves and feel that power to change. To be comfortable with being uncomfortable.  Self-examine and learn rather than blame and deny.

[Want to hear more on this topic? Check out Episode 029 of Project Life]

And as always, whenever you make a positive adjustment within yourself, it immediately has a positive effect on everyone around you.  Blaming those close to you for your decisions or pushing the responsibility towards anyone but yourself, will not benefit you or anyone else involved. Putting that time and effort into improving yourself, improves everything surrounding you – including these relationships.

Next time you’re faced with a situation that requires you to take personal responsibility – check yourself, take ownership and get ready to grow.

Have an experience regarding accountability? Let’s hear it below!

What is Enlightenment?

I’ve started to notice that our society labels enlightenment as something you achieve, a goal to accomplish, a win.  I think it’s a little more than that.

I believe it’s closer to a feeling, not a singular achievement.  If I can feel a little more enlightened every day, I’m doing something right.  It seems we’ve started to believe it can only be felt through methods such as meditation, but I’ve found it when doing something as simple as hanging out with my daughter Penelope.  I’ve tested out a few different ways to feel enlightenment in my daily life, so I thought I’d share a few with you.

A while ago I completed a program surrounded around the Wim Hof Method.  Essentially, it’s a combination of breathing techniques, mindset shifts, along with cold exposure.  While it may not be for everyone, I really enjoyed the process and will probably try the program again in the future.

I’ve experienced enlightenment through the simple acts of going about my daily life.  I’ve gained clarity listening to podcasts, peace while playing with my daughter and insight while driving around in my car.  When you struggle to create time in the day, you can choose to create moments in time where you are open to feeling enlightened.

In an episode of The Kate & Mike Show, we chatted with Rebekah Borucki.  Rebekah is the author of You Have Four Minutes To Change Your Life and we spoke about how taking even a few minutes to yourself in the day can be life-changing – and it is. 

Whether one of these resonates with you or not, find out what enlightenment means and feels like to you.  If it’s taking a few moments to gain clarity, seeking out calmness, or practicing an activity that gives you confidence – I promise you the search is worth it.

What is enlightenment to you? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

If you’d like to hear more on this topic check out Episode 018 of Project Life with Mike Watts