How to Deal with Change
I recently learned a very important lesson from a good friend of mine, Manny, who’s been going through some big […]
Do you ever feel like there’s not enough time? I’m sure we’ve all felt like this on a weekly, if […]
I recently did a podcast series all about money. Today I’d like to break it all down with the goal […]
How do you stay motivated when you’re not feeling it? We all have off days where we just don’t have […]
Today I’d like to share my thoughts on the value behind making decisions quickly. This past month, Kate and […]
This past month, Kate and I were recognized for hitting one million dollars in commission with our network marketing company, […]
Do you take responsibility for your actions? With recent events including the actions of our current president, I feel like […]
I’ve started to notice that our society labels enlightenment as something you achieve, a goal to accomplish, a win. I […]
One of my goals was to have 1 million dollars in the bank by the time I was 30. At […]
How often do you push off time for yourself? There will always be something else to do, something more important […]
Out of all the goals I’ve achieved in my life so far, I believe more than a few were due […]
Change is inevitable. We all know this, you simply can’t avoid it. I believe one of the personal trials we […]
It’s no secret that communication is an essential factor in most, if not all areas of life. Recently, I experienced […]
When you look back on your past, how does it make you feel? Now, how does it feel when you […]
A few weeks ago, Kate and I were reviewing our financials from 2015. We were looking at our monthly nut […]
Average is the sum of a list of numbers divided by the number of numbers in the list. – Average household income […]
When I was in $100,000+ of debt with credit cards and student loans, I was completely living in a lack/scarcity […]
I just paid my real estate tax on the 43 acres of land in AZ I purchased when I was […]