Today on the podcast, I interviewed my buddy Mike Ambassador Bruny about a wide range of topics, including parenting, vulnerability, changing careers, his creative process, and what it has been like to go back to school.
This man is one of the best relationship and networkers I know, and he shares his process today.
I won’t dive too deep into today’s content since it is best to listen to the podcast, but I do have to say my favorite part of the episode was his answer to the word vulnerability, so be sure to listen for that part.
Here are the links we discussed in the episode:
Mike’s bio:
Mike Bruny has a diverse background that includes working in sports, coaching and training, and technology. Names like Intel, The University of Connecticut (UCONN) Athletics, SXSW, and Social Media Examiner are all part of his bio.
Mike helps companies bridge the gap between people (soft skills) and digital media. In other words, he understands people, he understands all forms of digital media, and he knows how to get both to play nicely together to achieve business results.
Mike’s main focus at the moment is finding a position which allows him to work on changing the world of work with his management (people, projects, programs) and digital media skills.