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Simple Strategies To Boost Motivation

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How do you stay motivated when you’re not feeling it?

We all have off days where we just don’t have the motivation to get stuff done. Sometimes this is okay and we can take the day, other times (especially as an entrepreneur) we need to find a way out of this rut and back to work.

My strategies to refocus and boost my motivation consist of stepping away from work, stop trying to force it and taking a break.  My methods for these breaks are activities that change my mental state, get me pumped up and make me feel inspired. A few of my go-to’s are:

  • Getting outside
  • Working out
  • Changing locations
  • Watching motivational content from people such as GaryVee

All of these help to eliminate distraction, refresh my mind and refocus my energy. When I’m lacking motivation it’s important for me to weed out the unnecessary thoughts, step away from distractions such as social media and simplify the direction I want my renewed ambition to go.  

When I do go back to work I choose the top three objectives I need to get done and put all my focus on completing those. One resource that helped me to hone in on how to guide my focus is Deep Work by Cal Newport.  Check out Project Life’s Episode 060 all about the process of Deep Work and how it goes beyond the idea of focus into simplifying other aspects of your life.

In order to continuously function happily in our business and life, we need to constantly regenerate that motivation and excitement.  Realize the importance of recharging and prioritize your self care in order to take these necessary breaks.  Let’s be honest, when you force your work, you often don’t produce the best results because it’s not exactly coming naturally.

So next time you’re feeling stuck, try the following strategies:
  • Stop forcing yourself to work when you’re simply not feeling it
  • Cut yourself enough slack to take a break and walk away
  • Choose an activity or action that makes you feel pumped up, inspired and helps restore your internal balance
  • When you return to work, choose your top three tasks to place your focus

The activities or actions you choose will be different for everyone, what are some of yours?

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About Mike Watts

Mike Watts is an entrepreneur, speaker, husband, and father.

Before becoming an all around badass by radically reinventing his own life, he used to work for Phillip Morris. Today, he shows business owners how to expand their choices, do less and create the financial lives they want.