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Do You Hate Mondays?

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Why is Friday so different than Monday for so many people? What is Hump Day?

I was sitting next to a guy on the plane who was so pissed and stressed that he was late. It really hurt me as a human being – the thought of people, like this guy, doing things that stress them out, living for the weekend and “Hump Day” (Wednesday).

We need to reevaluate what we are doing in our lives. I spend a lot of time talking to people about doing something more empowering with their lives, overcoming guilt or shame about doing something differently.

I used to be a person who lived for the weekend, when I could check out from work, but the Information Age has provided me the opportunity for something different.

Are you living for the weekend? Do you enjoy Monday as much as you enjoy Friday?

In my research on Google, I found this survey taken by the Gallup Poll in 2005, view here.

In the survey it stated that the least favorite day of the week is Monday. 65% of the people interviewed did not enjoy Mondays, and the next closest day was a tie for Sunday & Wednesday at 6%.

You know what happens on Mondays – people go back to work. We usually are working from Monday to Friday and have only the weekends off to enjoy time with family and friends. This brings me back to the point: are you living for the weekends?

Our jobs/businesses are a huge part of our lives, so why do so many people continue to do work that is boring and uninspiring? There is more to life than working at some place just to pay the bills until we hit the age of so­called retirement, then we die.

When I was working at my former job, I was living for the weekends. I would hop in the car Friday night and go camping to get away, then high­-tail it back on Sunday morning to start work again on Monday morning.

Now I go camping in the middle of the week because so few people are on the trails, and there’s no traffic to the vacation destinations.
Living for the weekends was killing my spirit, my life, because I had less time to spend time on the things I wanted to do and with the people I wanted to see.

I would try to pack everything into two days, and then Sunday night would roll around and I’d start to think about what I actually accomplished over the weekends.

If this sounds like you, it might be time to think about changing careers or starting your own business. The biggest thing I can say is that if you are living for the weekends like I was, you are probably doing the wrong thing.

I shot the following video, which inspired this post, when I was traveling from NYC to Maine.

Check it out:

How do you feel about Monday mornings? Do you have a favorite day of the week?

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About Mike Watts

Mike Watts is an entrepreneur, speaker, husband, and father.

Before becoming an all around badass by radically reinventing his own life, he used to work for Phillip Morris. Today, he shows business owners how to expand their choices, do less and create the financial lives they want.